contributed by the family of Commanding Officer, CDR Kenneth G. Hylind
July 13, 1964 to March 28, 1966


[ Click each pic below for an enlarged photo! ]








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1964 Welcome Aboard Brochure

1964 Change of Command Schedule

1966 Change of Command Schedule

1964-1966 Pierce John Paul Jones Slogan

1964 Family Gram #1

1964 Family Gram #2

Dear Webmaster,

By doing a google search for my father, Kenneth G. Hylind, I came across the navsource website It was only after sharing some images that I scrolled to the bottom of the page and found a link to your site, which I did not know about.

Attached are some of the images that may be of interest to you. My father was the Commanding Officer (July 13, 1964 -March 28, 1966). If you publish them on your site we would be pleased to have you say that they were contributed by the Hylind family.

One in particular includes a drawing of the Pierce on the cover of the Christmas day menu 1964. It is signed "Sweeney." The menu is also included where there is a "Sweeney" listed. (The menu portion was not published on the navsource site) I do not see a "Sweeney" on your site, but it says "mess Deck Personnell BM1 MMAA" Christmas of 1964. My father saved his artwork among his most important papers. It shows the Pierce bathed in the light of the Christmas star. It was that kind of effort and heart that my father always admired and valued. He had great respect for those who gave thier best effort. He spoke so highly of the men who served on the Pierce, and of that spirit of excellence they embodied. According to him, they were effecient, dedicated and frequently went above and beyond their duties. I'm sure this was one such example. No doubt it reminded him of the men and spirit of the Pierce. As it says in the Welcome Aboard brochure: "They are a proud group that man destroyers"

Also not published on the navsource site was the prayer on the inside of the 1965 Christmas card. It speaks to the "heritage of work, brotherhood, and freedom of body and mind" which seems to capture the essence of the experience. As your site is more about the people, I thought you might be interested.

There also seems to be a mistake on the dates of the Commanding Officers so I have included change of command materials.

We have other photos are marked official and do not know the policy on them. If you do (know the policy that is - whether they are released for publication after so many years etc) , and you would like them please let me know.

The Hylind Family